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mediumrare GmbH

IT/Software development 2023

Job seekers want careers that suit them, and companies are desperate to find the right talent. We all want the same thing, but we use 100-year-old decision-making tools - CVs and job advertisements.

morning was developed to change exactly that. Applicants are not only matched with a job offer based on skills and experience. Instead, the focus is placed on scientific criteria for long-term job satisfaction. In addition to personality, interests and values, this also includes the company's development phase. With this profile and our fairness algorithm (AI), we can identify individual career steps, recommend training courses and match them with the right company.

Companies can use morning to find employees who were simply not visible to them before because they were put off by the job advertisement and did not apply in the first place. What's more, we are now turning the tables - companies can apply directly to talented people at the touch of a button.

Morning in the media:

TrendingTopics, derStandard, HRWeb, Recruiting Insider Community



DI Stefan Hohenwarter & Mag. Alexander Möslinger-Neundlinger
Project start: 2023
Industry: IT/Software development
Employees: 2
Markets: DACH
mediumrare GmbH
Harbor road 47-51
4020 Linz
Tel: -
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