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ACTIVATEDiversityhardwareIDEATEINCUBATECreative/Design 2023

Unfortunately, there is currently no way to really wear *any* bottom that is too wide. You might be thinking: "How about a belt ...?"
To which we say: "Yes, but ..."

  1. Not every lower part has belt loops.
  2. Not all belt loops are the same width.
  3. The belt is almost impossible to hide.

For us, these are reasons enough to create an alternative to the belt. Because a good fit must be lighter, more discreet and more flexible. That's why we developed Bundre. A solution so simple that you wonder why we haven't been around for a long time...

We are looking forward to changing the fashion industry in a sustainable way - and finally making clothes wearable, sustainable and flexible through #foldforchange.

The waistband clasp is a patented product that can be used to tighten any bottom part that is too wide. Adjustable in size, concealable, small [&] handy, every pair of jeans or trousers, every skirt and every pair of sports leggings can be adjusted to fit your body. How does it work? The waistband clasp is attached to the waistband, rotated 180° and then fixed in place. Simple, comfortable and easy for everyone. We can of course be personalized and are available in various designs and editions.

Edison 2023 "Creative Industries" - Gold

tech2b_bundre_gruenderin.jpg Picture: Bundre
tech2b_bundre_bundspange_hochformat.jpg (c) Bundre


Ursula Dürr
Project start: 2023
Industry: Creative & design-oriented
Employees: 2
Markets: DACH / EU / USA
Peter-Behrens-Platz 10
4020 Linz
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