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tech2b presents GREENTECH Startup triply

Sebastian, tell us your startup story?

The idea for our start-up, triply, originally came about as part of our diploma thesis at HTL Leonding. My co-founder Christopher Stelzmüller and I both come from very rural regions where there is hardly any public transportation. Originally, we focused on planning shuttle services for events, but the pandemic forced us to adapt our business model. We found a new field of application in the area of corporate mobility. We are now developing a software product that automatically analyzes the mobility of large companies and the associated costs, emissions, possible savings, relevant adjustments and suitable mobility solutions.

What impact does your product have in terms of sustainability?

Our product has a strong focus on sustainability, particularly in the area of mobility. By automating analysis & planning, we remove major entry barriers and pave the way for successfully transforming towards sustainable corporate mobility.

Why is sustainability so important to you?

I want future generations to have the same opportunities to enjoy nature as we do now.

What does the everyday life of a startup founder look like?

Everyday life is very dynamic and requires a lot of multitasking. This includes everything from product development and customer acquisition to strategic planning. It's a constant juggling act between different tasks, but it's also incredibly fulfilling and you learn something new every day.

What tips can you give the start-up talents of tomorrow?

Be flexible and adaptable. As our experience with the pandemic shows, unexpected events can turn your business model upside down.
Focus on a problem that needs to be solved, not just a cool idea.
Don't underestimate the importance of data and analytics. They can give you valuable insights into your business and your customers.
Sustainability is not just a buzzword, it should be a core component of new business models.

Photo (c) Triply GmbH

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