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Networking on the banks of the Danube

At the end of July, tech2b hosted its annual tech2beachtradition onthe picturesque banks of the Danube - and this year the weather couldn't have been more perfect! Bright sunshine and pleasant temperatures accompanied numerous partners, startups and alumni to spend an unforgettable evening together.

Raphael Friedl, Managing Director of tech2b, proved himself to be a true barbecue master that evening. He conjured up delicious delicacies on the grill with bravura, while the exquisite delicacies from Lackinger pampered the guests' palates.

The hours flew by in a relaxed atmosphere . Good conversations and cozy networking gave the event a very special touch.

It's inspiring to see the community come together, share ideas and support each other. A big thank you to everyone who made this unforgettable evening possible!

Let's raise our glasses together tosuccessful collaborations, exciting projects and the future of the startup ecosystem.

See you at the next tech2beach on the banks of the Danube!

Tech2b Tech2beach 2023 (1)
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