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Highlights of Bits & Pretzels HealthTech

From June 20-21, we and four founding teams: Epilepsia, Aqvena, Paperbased and BARNlabs visited Bits+Pretzels HealthTech in Munich.

A trade fair for STARTUPs in the HealthTech sector, which is all about inspiration and, above all, networking. Industry representatives and investors met innovative solutions in the field of medical technology and healthcare

We were able to attend numerous exciting presentations and gain valuable insights:

Dr. Reinhard Meier , for example, emphasized that dishonesty is an absolute no-go when it comes to investor acquisition.

If you are already in contact with investors, be honest, disclose where you stand and what your product can already do. It is also important to be transparent about what the product cannot yet do.

Vera Knauer from Ortho Innovations revealed to us the secret of a perfect pitch deck. You should consider the following aspects:

  • Problem
  • Solution
  • Team
  • Customers
  • How is the investment used, what do you need the money for?
  • When and how investors will get their money back

We return from Bits+Pretzels motivated and invigorated and are already looking forward to the next time.

Are you also interested in the future of the health tech sector? Have you already spun the first ideas? Then become part of our MedTech Incubator and let's drive the health tech sector forward together. 


Tech2b BitsandPretzel 2023 (2)
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