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OntoJob GmbH

IT/Software development 2014

OntoJob GmbH

OntoJob is a service company in the IT domain with a special focus on an ontology-based matching and ranking system for personnel recruitment. Currently, the research results from the previous research project of the same name are being translated into a marketable product. Market entry with a commercialized technology system is planned for autumn 2014.

Services / Products
The labour market situation in Austria and beyond is becoming increasingly worse. Every day you read new horror figures in the daily newspapers about rising unemployment figures and an increasingly longer "dwell time" of unemployed people at the employment office. OntoJob is trying to counteract this development with new technologies. OntoJob's technology platform aims to: taking into account skills, (vocational) education, professional and industry experience, and personality type

a)[nbsp][nbsp][nbsp] identify the most suitable jobs for job seekers
b)[nbsp][nbsp][nbsp] for job providers, to rank applicants according to suitability for the vacant position. The aim is to find the proverbial "needle in the haystack".

In addition, job providers (personnel service providers, personnel managers, etc.) benefit from a

  • Increased efficiency (time and cost efficiency): the viewing of (cold) applications is eliminated, as well as the manual transfer of relevant CV data to the company's own personnel management system,
  • Quality improvement: ranking of applicants according to suitability in terms of skills, training, etc. (see above); taking into account implicit information; positive effects on employer branding,
  • Reducing the emigration of people in structurally weak regions and promoting "repatriation" and immigration through tailor-made job offers in the region.

Job seekers benefit from an automatic notification of relevant job offers, taking into account the above criteria (skills, etc.). If you are sufficiently suitable with regard to the required criteria, the probability of getting the job is very high. At the same time, job seekers see the educational gaps (gap between the required job requirements and the actual aptitudes and skills) and can therefore take appropriate measures (e.g. attend courses that close the educational gaps).

Unemployed people benefit from the ontology-based matching and ranking system of a shorter stay at the employment office (if "tailor-made" jobs are identified).

Founder's Profile
The founding team consists of 2 founders from different disciplines. Manfred Schwanthaler studied business administration at the JKU, specializing in marketing, international marketing, and controlling. In his 20 years of professional activity, he has acquired extensive know-how in account management with high-tech IT applications in domestic and foreign markets. Manfred Schwanthaler primarily worked in Group companies. Martin Schlagnitweit (Bachelor's degree in Computer Science at the JKU Linz and Vienna University of Technology) has more than 10 years of professional experience as a self-employed web developer and IT service provider. In the OntoJob research project, Martin Schlagnitweit developed the data model and the web application as a consortium partner in close cooperation with the Software Competence Center Hagenberg and integrated the matching algorithms and the knowledge base.


Mag. Manfred Schwanthaler
Project start: 2014
Industry: IT
Employees: 2
Markets: DACH, later Europe
OntoJob GmbH
Poscherberg 38
4230 Pregarten
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