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hardwareIT/Software development 2016

Brief description:
The Microgreenbox is an automatically controlled "indoor garden" for cultivating herbs and micro-vegetables. All parameters (light, temperature, humidity, etc.) can be analyzed, adjusted and shared with a community via an IoT platform, regardless of location. This makes it easy to meet the demand for herbs and microgreens in high-end restaurants. Even unusual plants with special climatic requirements can be grown in this way.

Services / products:
Fine dining cuisine is an art form in itself. Innovative creations, new flavors and high-quality regional ingredients are the success factors at this high level. These factors are mainly limited by the supply of suppliers. When it comes to sourcing herbs and microgreens (vegetables in the early stages of development that taste very intense but do not yet resemble the finished vegetable in appearance - savory, broccoli, beet, various types of cress, etc.), most restaurants have to resort to what is available on the market.[nbsp] As there are only a few suppliers, the supply is limited and chefs are restricted in their creativity. The Microgreenbox allows access to a previously unavailable portfolio of flavors. Virtually any edible plant can be cultivated using the box. Our web platform encourages chefs to share the vegetables and herbs they grow with others. This also applies to private customers in a similar way. The flexible control system allows us to integrate this technology into different housings, which opens the door to future markets (e.g. kitchen equipment for private individuals).

The multimedia area is also served by the IoT platform and the app. The ability to save and share saved parameters for various plants and to monitor the box at any time offers added value for customers. The box allows restaurateurs and amateur chefs to experiment with exotic plants at home and create new dishes. All of these assumptions have already been researched and the survey results support the assumptions made above (96% of respondents would buy such a box).
The customer benefits are obvious. Growing independent, fresh and regional herbs/microgreens for food preparation and no longer being dependent on the season or supplier is an enrichment in the catering trade or at home and eases the financial burden of everyday life.

The founding team has a good basis thanks to their professional/educational experience in technology, business management, project management and sales. Above all, the in-house development of the control system and the technical knowledge enables us to do a lot of the work ourselves without having to pay for third-party providers or additional staff.


  • Engineer Alexander Polivka
  • DI (FH) Markus Riegler MSc

Microgreenbox is currently being founded


tech2b_microgreen_gruender.jpg Image: tech2b / Andreas Balon


Alexander Polivka, DI (FH) Markus Riegler MSc
Project start: 2016
Industry sector: Gastronomy, Kitchen
Employees: -
Markets: DACH
Untere Hafnerzeile 21
4240 Freistadt
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