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FerRobotics Compliant Robot Technology GmbH

Miscellaneous 2005

The spin-off of the Institute of Robotics at Johannes Kepler University is engaged in the research and development of novel robot technologies in lightweight construction for industrial and medical applications. With its technology, the company will leave the path of rigid and rigid robotic systems and enter the new field of flexible and elastic robotic systems.

This opens up new possibilities of automation that were previously unthinkable: manual activities such as grinding, polishing, handling soft materials or simply where robots have to interact with humans!



Dr. Paolo Ferrara, Dr. Ronald Naderer, MBA
Project start: 2005
Industry: Mechatronics
Employees: -
Markets: -
FerRobotics Compliant Robot Technology GmbH
Altenbergerstr. 69
4040 Linz
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