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DualDocker GmbH

Miscellaneous 2014

Brief description:
The purpose of the company is the development, production and sale of damped "DualDocker" mooring systems in various applications for yachts, floating docks, houseboats and all types of floating bodies. The principle and design are based on patents registered by the founder. Innovative character: High, purely mechanical damping capacity in compression and tension direction. The floating body is damped and held still, kinetic energy and braking forces are minimized.

This means safety and comfort. DualDocker enables safe mooring without interfering with the underwater world. Precise and high-quality processing and machining (anodized aluminium) guarantee durability and freedom from maintenance.

Services [&] Products:

  • Development and production of DualDocker docking systems
  • Customer-specific solutions


Engineer Michael Fuhrmann
Project start: 2014
Industry: Metal technology
Employees: 4
Markets: Marina industry worldwide
DualDocker GmbH
North industrial estate 6
5222 Munderfing
Tel: -
E-Mail: 5222 Munderfing
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