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Female Future Meetup in Linz

On June 15, the long-awaited Female Future Meetup took place in Linz , which is known as the largest female community in the DACH region. The event attracted numerous participants and offered an expo with impressive partner companies and inspiring speakers.

Keynote speech by Tijen Onaran on visibility

The event began with an inspiring keynote by Tijen Onaran, who spoke about the topic of visibility . She shared her personal journey and told how as a child she hardly wanted to have contact with other people. Over time, however, this changed and she gave valuable tips on how to increase your own visibility. These include not overextending yourself, viewing visibility as independence and asking yourself where you want to be in a year's time and what topics interest you. Her motto "If you don't ask, you've already been told no" underlines the importance of initiative and networking.

Female founders talk with startups

In the next part of the program, the startups Mathe Arena with Eva-Maria Infanger and Startup FityourFarm with Anita Schwaiger as well as Steffi Schauer from Offisy took part in a female founder talk. They discussed how female founders can contribute to making the world a better place and what lessons we can all learn from the startup world.

Leading with Passion - Stefanie Schaffer-Winkler

Stefanie Schaffer-Winkler spoke about the importance of passion in leadership and why now is an excellent opportunity for women to take up leadership positions. She emphasized that the opportunity for women to bring their passion to leadership positions has never been greater.

The working worlds of the future

A panel discussion with Katharina Helm from Soulsista, Lisa Sigl and Stefanie Etzenberger from Etzi Haus shed light on the working worlds of the future and the necessary changes. Sigl emphasized the importance of digitalization in tourism and the takeover of routine tasks by digital technologies. Etzenberger reported on an internal employee survey in construction, which showed that a 4-day week is not desired there. Helm emphasized that her employees equally appreciate the flexibility of remote work or office work.

Closing keynote by Anna Marton on neurodivergence in the work setting

Anna Marton's keynote speech on neurodivergence in the working environment and the fight against the shortage of skilled workers was the crowning finale. She inspired the audience with her personal story and her humorous and authentic presentation. She encouraged companies to search their teams for undiscovered strengths and supported people in finding their individual superpowers. She emphasized that people strive to grow and need the confidence and courage to try things out in order to do so

As a partner, we, tech2b, could of course not be missing and were also represented at the event. At the tech2b stand, participants had the opportunity to put their crafting skills to the test. Using Lego Serious Play, participants were asked to think about how they could make the world a better place. This resulted in creative and wonderful ideas that clearly demonstrated the innovative power and ingenuity of the participants.

With this diverse program, inspiring speakers, exciting discussions and hands-on activities, the Female Future Meetup in Linz proved to be an unforgettable event that brought together the largest female community in the DACH region. It offered participants the opportunity to network, learn from each other and work together towards a better future.

Photos: (c) tech2b

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