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PIER4 Partner
05.09.2024 / 12:30 p.m. until 05.09.2024 / 17:30 hrs

PIER 4-AI Harbor

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The PIER 4-AI Harbour is the ideal platform for PIER 4 companies that want to take an in-depth look at the latest developments in artificial intelligence. On Thursday, September 5, the PIER 4-AI Harbour will take place on the premises of Energie AG in Linz. In a mixture of practical mini-workshops and exciting presentations, the event offers extensive opportunities for knowledge exchange and networking.

The event begins in the morning with specialized workshops in which specialist topics relating to AI are dealt with in depth. These mini-workshops offer IT and data science experts the opportunity to deepen their knowledge and exchange ideas with each other.

An interactive Learning Expo will follow in the afternoon, where companies will present their experiences and findings from working with AI. This expo offers valuable insights into successful use cases and innovative processes.

In addition to the presentation "Innovation @ Energie AG" by Karin Dietachmayr (Head of Innovation Energie AG) and Christian Stein (Managing Director Wertstatt 8), another highlight of the afternoon will be the presentation of a use case from the customer area of Energie AG, as well as the keynote speech by Wolfgang Ehrengruber, Director Digital & Technology at Brau Union, who will talk about digital transformation. After the presentations, participants will have the opportunity to engage in intensive discussions in small workshop groups and work together on specific issues.

The event will conclude with an expert talk in which leading minds from the industry, including Karin Dietachmayr (Energie AG), Albert Ortig (Netural GmbH), Carina Zehetmair (Woman in AI) and Hans-Peter Pichler (Fivesquare), will discuss current developments and challenges in the world of AI.

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